Our team

Professional interests
- People with Alzheimer’s disease and their family caregivers
- Home modifications and community-based wellness programs for older adults
- Impact of legislation and policy on occupational therapy practice
- 1985: Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
- 1985: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Aging Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
- 1977: M.S. in Psychology, University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia
Certifications and licensure
Selected Publications
- Teitelman, J., Hartman, G., Moossa, J., Uhl, K., & Vizzier, E. (2016, in press). Assessing wellness outcomes for participants in adult day services: Options for activity professionals. Activities, Adaptation & Aging.
- Ivey, C., Teitelman, J., Williams, K., Shepherd, J., & Simons, D., (2016, in press). Achieving teaching, scholarship and service through community engagement. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy.
- Teitelman, J., Raber, C., & Watts, J. (2010). The power of the social environment in motivating persons with dementia to engage in occupation: Qualitative findings. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 28(4), 321- 333.
- Raber, C., Teitelman, J.,,Watts, J., & Kielhofner, G. (2010). A phenomenological study of volition in everyday occupations of elders with dementia. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 73(11), 498-506.
- Copolillo, A., Warren, M., & Teitelman, J.L. (2007). Results from a survey of occupational therapy practitioners in low vision rehabilitation. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 21(4).19-37.
- Watts, J.L., & Teitelman, J.L. (2005). Achieving a restorative mental break for family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer Disease. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 52, 282-292.
- Teitelman, J.L., & Copolillo, A. (2005). Psychosocial issues in adaptation to vision loss: Findings from qualitative interviews and focus groups. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 59, 409-417.
- Copolillo, A., & Teitelman, J.L. (2005). Acquisition and integration of low vision assistive devices: Understanding the decision-making process of older adults with low vision. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59, 305-313.
- Teitelman, J.L., & Watts, J.L. (2004). How family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer Disease achieve mental breaks: Preliminary analysis from a qualitative study. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 23, 9-24.
- Teitelman, J.L., & Watts, J. H. (2004). Family members’ recommendations for achieving a mental break from caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly, 5(3), 1-9.
- Teitelman, J.L., Watts, J.H., Meisel, J., Woodward, J., & McFarland-Smith (2002). Alzheimer’s caregiver focus groups: A method for identifying caregivers’ perceptions of service coverage gaps. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 22(1), 73-85.
- Mueller, M.M., Brown, C.M., McGrath, W.L., Teitelman, J.L., & Watts, J.W. (2001). Caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease: An exploratory study of occupational performance and respite. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 18(3), 51-69.
- Teitelman, J.L., & Parham, I.A. (Eds.). (1991). Geriatric Curriculum Resource Guides for Health Professionals: a) Geriatric Practice in Occupational Therapy (M. Maynard), and b) Health Promotion and Wellness in Older Adult (R. McMahon & T.R. Elliott). Rockville, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
- Teitelman, J.L., & Parham, I.A. (Eds). (1990). Fundamentals of geriatrics for health professionals: An annotated bibliography.Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
- Lossee, N., Parham, I.A., Auerbach, S., & Teitelman, J.L. (1988). Crisis intervention with the elderly: Theory practical issues and training procedures. New York: Charles C. Thomas.
Book chapters
- Teitelman, J.L. (1996). Homosexuality. In G. Maddox (Ed.), Encyclopedia of aging (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
- Donovan-Rogers, J., & Teitelman, J.L. (1990). Geriatric care and older women. In J.L. Teitelman & I.A. Parham (Eds.), Fundamentals of geriatrics for health professionals: An annotated bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Inc.
- Teitelman, J.L. (1990). Sexuality and aging. In I.A. Parham, L. Poon, & I. Siegler (Eds.). Aging curriculum content for education in the social behavioral sciences. New York: Springer.
- Wood, J.B., Parham, I.A., & Teitelman, J.L. (1989). Frontiers in gerontology: Interdisciplinary issues. In N.J. Osgood & A. Sontz (Eds.). The science and practice of gerontology. Westport, Ct: Greenwood Press, Inc.
Grant Activity
- Watts, J.H., & Teitelman, J. (2001-2002) Alzheimer Disease caregiver occupational performance, respite as a mental break, and program implications. Co-Principal Investigator. Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases Research Award Fund, $25,000.
Key Professional Service
- Circle Center Adult Day Services, Board Member; Chair, Task Force on Innovations and Best Practices; Recording Secretary; Marketing Committee; Vice President; Governance Committee
- Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Richmond; Board of Directors; Chair, Patient and Family Services Committee ; Advisory Board ; Medical and Scientific Advisory Board, Co-Chair ; family caregiver support group co-leader
- Southern Gerontological Society; Board of Directors; ProgramCommittee; Abstract Review Subcommittee , Chair; Education Committee, Chair; Bylaws Committee; Special Interest Group Committee; Co-Chair, Special Interest Group on Environments and Aging; Virginia Membership Co-Chair
- Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, Program Committee
- Gerontological Society of America; Co-Chair, Media Committee; Annual Meeting abstract reviewer
- Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases Research Award Fund Committee; Peer reviewer
- Member American Occupational Therapy Association and Virginia Occupational Therapy Association
Honors and Awards
- 2013, Virginia Occupational Therapy Association, Certificate of Appreciation
- 2007, Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Certificate of Appreciation
- 2006 , Cordelia Myers Writers Award, American Association of Occupational Therapy
- 1992, Alumna of the Year, Department of Gerontology, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 1991, President’s Award, Southern Gerontological Society