Occupational Therapy Doctorate/Certificate in Aging Studies

The dual degree Occupational Therapy Doctorate and Certificate in Aging Studies program allows current OTD students to earn an occupational therapy doctorate degree with a Graduate Certificate of Aging Studies with a minimum of 116 credits rather than the 119 credits necessary if the two degrees were pursued separately.

The objectives of this dual degree and certificate program are to:

  • Prepare graduates to address the complex needs of a diverse aging population using holistic knowledge of biopsychosocial aging process
  • Provide graduates with an understanding of empirically and theoretically based components contributing to optimal aging using evidence-based, best-practice approaches
  • Prepare graduates to apply current knowledge, theory and professional judgment, while considering the perspectives of older adult clients/patients
  • Prepare graduates to develop skills in comprehensive geriatric care to promote well-being among older adults

Among the many benefits offered by participation in the dual degree program is the following:

  • Enhance O.T.D.  graduates’ knowledge and skills in caring for older adults, who represent an increasing segment of occupational therapy practice
  • Increase O.T.D.graduates’ competitiveness in the job market
  • Offer O.T.D. students an opportunity for career advancement by specializing in geriatrics

For more information about this program, contact Jennifer Pryor, Program Director, Department of Gerontology at pryorjm@vcu.edu or Carole Ivey, Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy, at civey@vcu.edu.